Project 1: On-site sketching
(Tonal values)
Project 1 is divided into Project 1a and Project 1b. Project 1a required us to use free-hand sketching to record our observation and perception of two exterior and interior spaces. On the other hand, students were required to produce 4 variations of tonal value sketch of the Barcelona Pavilion in Project 1b.
Below is my on-site sketching board:
After gone through the first project, which are Project 1a and 1b, I understood the notion of space in architecture form and I learned how to appreciate the space. I was able to use to four basic techniques of rendering, which are hatching, cross hatching, scribbling and stippling to develop my skills in sketching as a mode of communication. Besides, i have learnt how to visualize a space through observation and perception. I have enhanced my skills in creating depth and tone to produce an architecture sketch.
Project 2: Orthographic Drawings
Below are the orthographic drawings that I did for the Barcelona Pavilion:
In Project 2b, we were required to produce an exploded axonometric projection of Barcelona Pavilion. On the completion of this project, I understood what an axonometric projection is and I learned the appropriate techniques to produce it. Besides that, I learned how to communicate my understanding of architectural details and spatial values in three-dimensional with clarity and accuracy. Aside that, I also improved my line weights and neatness of lines compared to my Project 2a, and I got to know the importance of the layout of a professional presentation board.
Below is a photo that displays my axonometric drawing of the Barcelona Pavilion:
Basically, Project 2c required us to produce two perspectives drawing (one-point sectional perspective and two-point perspective) of Barcelona Pavilion (exterior and interior). We had to use our orthographic drawings and translate them into perspectives drawings. I learned about the picture plane(PP), viewing angle, stationary point(SP) etc.
Below are the photos of both my one point and two point perspective drawings
Project 3: Finishing and Presentation
For the final assessment of the module, I was required to produce 3 presentation board for the model design in Design Studio 1 by using the drawing techniques learnt from the semester. For instance, I learnt about the essential of setting a good layout for the presentation. I had realised that a neat arrangement can let the viewer obtains the most important information in the first place. In conclusion, I had gained a lot of knowledge and experience on producing good drawings. I believed this will help me in improving my presentation skill.
Below are the boards that I presented for my studio final presentation:
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